Display data about objects in the info boxes within the private zone
The "autoriser" library
SPIP has an extendable autoriser() function enabling the verification of authorisations. This function accepts 5 arguments. Only the first is (…)
Authorise the display or hiding of a form
Forms are displayed by default, but it is possible to restrict this display depending on certain assigned authorising data.
Two possibilities (…)autoriser
Loads the authorisation functions
Creating or overloading the authorisations
To create an authorisation, you only need to create the supporting functions. php function autoriser_documentation_troller_dist($faire, $type, (…)
Processes in the autoriser() function
SPIP’s default authorisations are made using the ecrire/inc/autoriser.php file.
When SPIP is requested for an autoriser($faire, $type) type (…)Defining page tabs
Declaring the tabs for the exec pages in the private zone follows exactly the same syntax as for the buttons. The name of the parent, however, is (…)
Defining buttons
To add buttons into the private zone, all that is needed is to provide a bouton element in the plugin.xml files as follows: xml icon path title (…)