Tag filters
Applying filters allows you to change the output generated by SPIP tags.
Filter syntax
Filters are applied to tags by using the pipe (“|”) character. Their effect is to call a PHP function, either one which is in the standard PHP (…)
Search and replace filters
There are some filters that allow you to perform comparisons or searches for components. This is the case for the "|match" and "|replace" filters. (…)
Comparison filters
Just like the criteria used for loops, comparison filters can also be applied to tags with the following "pipe" syntax: [(#TAG|operatorvalue)] (…)
The complete syntax of language codes
The complete syntax is as shown below: spip <:prefixe:codeparam=value|filtreparams:>
The language codes can receive (…)Test filters
There are several filters used for tests and logical operations. These are the filters "?", "sinon" (else in French), "oui", "non", "et", "ou", (…)