SQL joints between tables
A joint in SQL is what allows information to be retrieved from multiple tables combined in a single query. It is possible to perform certain (…)
Explicit join declarations
The links between tables are declared within SPIP in the ecrire/public/interfaces.php file. Further declarations can be added with the (…)
Automating joins
When they have not been explicitly declared to SPIP, joins are calculated where they are possible. To do this, SPIP compares the names of the (…)
Forcing joins
SPIP’s automatic detection capabilities are sometimes limited, and so two syntax variants are offered for forcing table joins or the fields of the (…)
Declares additional data in SQL tables (alias, processes, joins, ...)
Automatic joins
Whenever a loop is requested to use a criteria which does not belong to the loop’s own primary table, SPIP automatically tries to find a linked (…)