Creating or overloading the authorisations

To create an authorisation, you only need to create the supporting functions.

function autoriser_documentation_troller_dist($faire, $type, $id, $qui, $opt) {
	return false; // no trolls permitted! and no exceptions!

Declaring this function makes it possible to use the autoriser('troller','documentation') function or the #AUTORISER{troller, documentation} tag.

New functions, but not everywhere!

The autoriser() function, when first called, loads a pipeline with the same name. This call to the "autoriser" pipeline is used to load the authorisation files for a template directory or a plugin.


In a template:
In the config/mes_options.php file, we add the call to a function for our authorisations:

$GLOBALS['spip_pipeline']['autoriser'] .= "|my_authorisations";

function my_authorisations(){

So then when the autoriser pipeline is called, it loads the inc/my_authorisations.php file. We can then create this directory and file, which contains the intended authorisation functions in its squelettes/ directory.

In a plugin:
For a plugin, it’s almost exactly the same: you have to declare the use of the pipeline inside your plugin.xml :


And create the file in question and absolutely make sure to add in the
pluginprefix_autoriser() function into the file that the pipeline calls.

if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;

// function for the pipeline, nothing to do
function pluginprefix_autoriser(){}

// declarations of authorisations
function autoriser_documentation_troller_dist($faire, $type, $id, $qui, $opt) {
	return false; // no trolls permitted! and no exceptions!

Author Mark Baber Published : Updated : 12/03/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands