To create an authorisation, you only need to create the supporting functions.
function autoriser_documentation_troller_dist($faire, $type, $id, $qui, $opt) {
return false; // no trolls permitted! and no exceptions!
Declaring this function makes it possible to use the autoriser('troller','documentation')
function or the #AUTORISER{troller, documentation}
New functions, but not everywhere!
The autoriser()
function, when first called, loads a pipeline with the same name. This call to the "autoriser" pipeline is used to load the authorisation files for a template directory or a plugin.
In a template:
In the config/mes_options.php
file, we add the call to a function for our authorisations:
$GLOBALS['spip_pipeline']['autoriser'] .= "|my_authorisations";
function my_authorisations(){
So then when the autoriser
pipeline is called, it loads the inc/my_authorisations.php
file. We can then create this directory and file, which contains the intended authorisation functions in its squelettes/
In a plugin:
For a plugin, it’s almost exactly the same: you have to declare the use of the pipeline inside your plugin.xml
And create the file in question and absolutely make sure to add in the
function into the file that the pipeline calls.
if (!defined("_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION")) return;
// function for the pipeline, nothing to do
function pluginprefix_autoriser(){}
// declarations of authorisations
function autoriser_documentation_troller_dist($faire, $type, $id, $qui, $opt) {
return false; // no trolls permitted! and no exceptions!