The concept of path

SPIP uses a large number of functions and templates, contained in various folders. When a script needs to open a file to load a function or to read a template, SPIP will search for it in one of a number of folders. The first matching file found in one of these will be loaded and used.

The folders are perused in the order defined by the constant SPIP_PATH and, optionally, using the global variable $GLOBALS [’dossier_squelettes’].

The default search path is, in order:

  • squelettes/
  • the plug-in plugin_B/ (which depends on “plugin A”)
  • the plug-in plugin_A/
  • squelettes-dist/
  • prive/
  • ecrire/
  • ./

Author Thomas Sutton Published : Updated : 16/02/10

Translations : English, français, Nederlands