#EXPOSE is used to Emphasise one particular entry within a list. When we loop on a table and the #ENV{id_table} tag has a value within the current environment, or there is an #ID_TABLE in a higher level loop, then #EXPOSE will return a special code when the loop hits the same value as the identifier.

Its syntax is:

#EXPOSE{text if yes}
#EXPOSE{text if yes, text if no}
// expose with no parameters returns 'on' if yes or the empty string '' if no


List the articles in the current section, and assign the CSS class "on" for the current article.

<BOUCLE_arts(ARTICLES){id_rubrique}{par num titre, titre}>
  <li[ class="(#EXPOSE{on})"]>#TITRE</li>


  <li class="on">#EXPOSE</li>

Author Mark Baber Published : Updated : 12/03/23

Translations : English, français, Nederlands