The ==
operator (or its inverse !==
) is used for making record selections based on regular expressions. They can therefore enable extremely specific selection criteria, but may also be quite resource-intensive for the database manager.
<BOUCLEx(TABLES){field == expression}>
<BOUCLEx(TABLES){field !== expression}>
Select articles with a title that starts with "The" or "the":
<BOUCLE_arts(ARTICLES){titre == ^[Tt]he}>
- #TITRE<br />
Select article texts that do not contain the word "carnival":
<BOUCLE_arts(ARTICLES){texte !== 'carnival'}>
- #TITRE<br />
Select article texts that do contain the word "carnival", but only if followed by the word "Venice" within 20 characters.
<BOUCLE_arts(ARTICLES){texte == 'carnival.{0,20}Venice'}>
- #TITRE<br />